Where to have something for meal?

Thinking about where to have something to eat during the Silesia Session? Simple thing – in the St. Wenceslas garden behind the church itself. We will take care of you again this year as well, for you to enjoy the 15th Anniversary Silesia Session without leaving the event and searching for restaurants around. There will be refreshments and sitting prepared for you in the garden (our calm zone) in order for you to enjoy a proper meal, or at least something for a snack.

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Body Painting

We will not skip this fairly hot show again this year as well. Painting on the body, so called ‘’bodypainting’’, has an incredible history, as old as mankind itself which gained its solid position at the Tattoo Session Silesia during the years.

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Zpěv, rytmus, inspirace – to je Patrik Kee

Lidský hlas je neuvěřitelný nástroj. Když pomineme oslavičky, večírky nebo fesťáky, kde je nejpodstatnější pět z plna hrdla bez ohledu na aktuální ladění, poslechneme si letos na Tattoo Session Silesia jednu opravdovou lahůdku. Patrik Kee je hlasový improvizátor a naprostý profík v “Intuitivním zpěvu”. Zpívá sám a na pomoc si bere šikovnou mašinku, která zaznamenává smyčky s jeho hlasem, až máte pocit, že na pódiu musí stát alespoň deset muzikantů.

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Try a Job of a Tattoo Artist

Generally speaking, the job itself looks pretty simple. A tattoo artist sits by a table full of paint cups, grabs a tattoo machine and starts … Just a bit more complicated drawing, one would say. BUT! Have you ever tried such a job? The reality is the paint does not want to be applied, being spit all around the place, when you press the machine a bit more, you are worried about the result… It is not such easy.  You are more than welcome to come and try such a small job. There will be grapefruits prepared for you to let your artistic spirit stand out and shine; tattoo machines, real colours and we truly believe the incalculable value pieces of art as well.

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