St. Vaclav church – new venue TSS

This year, thesvatba_2 TSS will take place in a rather unusual venues of St. Wenceslas church in the center of Opava. Let´s have a little taste of history …

It started with St. Dominica Chapel – pretty old monument. The church was then founded in 1291 by Prince Nicholas from Opava and belongs to one of the oldest pieces in Central Europe. It has a really wild past – many fires, various warehouses, and was even served for the Wehrmacht. But inside it is beautifully decorated with frescoes, which was restored in 2005 – you will be able to view themselves.

The church hasn´t a tower – as we read, churches of the mendicant orders (eg. the Franciscans or Dominicans) it should. Today it is a free-aisled basilica to which is the most beautiful view from the windows of the adjacent House of Arts, which was used just as a monastery. Come on there, open the Window and look directly above the incredible vaulted arcades and the whole temple down below you ..